The Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
In recognition of the importance of undergraduate research and creative activity, Indiana University‐Bloomington has established the Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity. Sponsored jointly by the Provost, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, and the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, the Award recognizes not only outstanding achievement in research and creative activity, but the importance of such creative and research experiences for undergraduates.Student Award
The student recipients of this award will receive a scholarship of $500 in recognition of their achievement and recipients and faculty mentors will be recognized at an event late in the semester. Please note that this scholarship is considered gift aid and will count towards the total amount of financial aid awarded, in some cases resulting in a reduction of other types of aid.
Faculty Mentors
This award also recognizes that faculty who mentor undergraduates make a significant difference, encouraging and guiding students, and engaging them in this learning process and advocating for them. A good faculty mentor provides a role model for methods of inquiry and expression in a field of study and for the responsible conduct of research and creative activity. Good mentors often provide students with their first entry into professional circles and support the dissemination of the student’s work through participation in professional conferences, exhibitions, performances, or publications.
All undergraduate students and faculty are eligible. The procedure for nominating students has changed from previous years and faculty are not required to coordinate nominating a student with the dean of their school and can directly nominate a student to the Office of National Scholarships and Awards which is organizing the nomination, review and selection process. Each submission should indicate the appropriate category(ies) of review for each nominee.
Eligible papers or projects may come from disciplines across the professions, social and applied sciences, arts, humanities, natural sciences and mathematics. The categories are conceived to be broad and flexible, and to embrace activity of diverse kinds. Nominations of students who have engaged in multidisciplinary work are welcomed. In such cases, please indicate all relevant categories.
A committee of faculty reviewers then makes recommendations to the Provost.
The broad categories are:
- Natural and Mathematical Sciences
- Social and Applied Sciences
- Professional Inquiry
- Performing and Creative Arts
- Humanities
Nomination materials must include:
- A statement from the faculty mentor describing: their role in mentoring the nominee and the ways in which they had a positive impact on the student’s scholarship, creativity, and development; the accomplishments of the nominee in the project for which they have been nominated
- A reflective statement by the student about how the research or creative experience has enhanced their opportunities for learning AND a brief summary of the way in which the experience was enhanced by the mentor.
Submit materials by email as attachments to the Office of National Scholarships and Awards: The deadline for nominations is Monday, March 3rd at 11:59pm. If you are interested in serving as a reviewer of this year’s submissions, you can contact us via the same email address or via contact information below.
The Provost will recognize award recipients and faculty mentors at an event late in the semester.